Pynchon in Public Podcast

Pynchon in Public Podcast

Sixty-Four: Unfortunately, You Bring Yourself with You

January 12, 2018

04.37: Gravity’s Rainbow
In which we continue our discussion of The Counterforce section of Gravity’s Rainbow with a look at chapters nine through eleven. And stay tuned at the end of this episode for a special outro song created by a Pynchon fan!

Chris references “rainbow gravity” theory, which you can read about here.
Michael C wrote an essay that is somewhat germane to this episode.
Liam talks about a failed novelist turned NSA pep leader. As much as that sounds like a George Sanders story, it turns out it’s totally a true thing.
Chris mentions this essay a little bit at the end of this episode.
Here’s the Bandcamp page for the Geli song. And check out more of Ainsley Wagoner’s recent work here.