Percy's Trollcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 5 - Burmayhem Bowl 3, Shaun Stevenson Interview
So, it's been almost 3 years since the last episode but Percy's Trollcast is back! Ol went to Burmahem Bowl 3, a table top tournament and he explains what it's like as a newbie to go along to a tournament and then there's an interview with the tournament
Episode 4 - Team Builds, What You Want vs What You get, The Goblin Team, RT BBL Cup Final
Welcome back friends! Sorry it's been a bit of a wait since the last episode but Percy got all distracted by his Khemrimas presents and forgot about recording. This time Dave and Ol discuss team builds and the random elements involved. Then they take an i
Episode 3 - Merry Khemrimas! What Does Cyanide do right? The Khemri Team
Merry Khemrimas everyone! In this festive episode Ol and Dave discuss everything that's good about the Cynide videogame adaptation of Blood Bowl (and a bit of what's bad). Then, as it's Khemrimas there's an in depth (about 6 feet of depth to be precise) d
Episode 2 - A Beginners Guide to Blood Bowl and the Orc Team
It's episode 2 on the Trollcast and Percy has managed to get us an exclusive newsflash! After that Dave and Ol run through a guide for people new to Blood Bowl. Then there's a look at the players and tactics of the Orc team. The Rolling Thunder Blood Bowl
Episode 1 - The History of Blood Bowl, The Human Roster and the RT Cup
Hello everyone and welcome to the inaugural Percy's Trollcast. The Trollcast is the only Blood Bowl podcast that's hosted, edited and produced by a Troll, Percy the Troll! Percy is helped by Dave and Ol, a couple of so-called humans. This episode we do a