Perception IS Reality w/Kristopher H. Bilbrey
Latest Episodes
Episode 197: Straight Ticket Terror! & B.O.P.
After nearly 3 weeks of silence... "Perception IS Reality w/Kristopher H. Bilbrey" is back!Since the last show (#196)... the 2022 Midterm Election came and went & Kris has some thoughts about the El
Episode 196: Folie à deux
Kris explores the French phrase "Folie deux", which is a psychological term that means: "shared madness". Could this, &/or other similar conditions, be what causes citizens to be mad/upset at electe
Episode 195: Righteous Anger!
Things seems so dark, and Kris is angry about how it all appears to be going! However, a simple statement just might be the "breakthrough" Kris has been looking for!Join the conversation, in this 19
Episode 194: Church & State
The first 16 words, of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America are: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercis
Episode 193: Interview #2 w/Jeff Maurer (Libertarian Candidate for Indiana Secretary of State)
Join Kris in welcoming Libertarian Candidate, Jeff Maurer, back to the show for this 2nd interview! Jeff is running for Secretary of State of Indiana during the "2022 General Election" (which will tak
Episode 192: So, What Do You Want?
If this elected official &/or that elected official isn't cutting it! If candidates A, B & C are all no good! And if there are serious issues with ALL the political parties: Republicans, Democrats, Li
Episode 191: Better the Devil You Know...
Kris wraps up his "loosely connected" 3 episode series with this episode talking about the old Irish Proverb from the 1300's "Better the Devil You Know vs the One You Don't!" People often apply that s
Episode 190: Criticism!
Being able to "redress government officials" is one of the cornerstones of the American way of life! Only now, in 2022... those in government, be it: local, state or national... have decided they aren
Episode 189: Death of the 4th Estate!
The 4th Estate is a name given to the "press/news media/journalist" that primarily covers the Government & Political Officials. Journalists that investigate and report on Government & Political Offici
Episode 188: The Return!
Welcome Host Kristopher H. Bilbrey back from his "long ass vacation of pain!" In this episode Kris talks about the need to get "back to basics..." in order to work on ourselves, if we truly want to wo