The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

089. It's about BELIEVE IN, not "buy-in" - FB LIVE Call #4

December 30, 2020

If you have some kids that are all in, some on the fence, and some completely out, then this is the podcast for you. If it seems like there’s that core group that never misses a workout and then there’s another core group that shows up inconsistently, and you don’t know why, then this podcast is for you. It’s not only about the kids though, maybe it’s getting the rest of your coaching staff or your athletic department on board. Maybe it’s your family right now. Maybe it’s your kids teammates.If you have ever told your team, “I need you guys to buy in” or If you’ve ever told a kid, “You’re just not bought in,” then this podcast is definitely for you. I’ve heard a lot of coaches ask, “How do I get my players to buy-in?” and well… it’s not about “buy-in,” it’s about BELIEVE IN.