The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

066. Building Awareness and Routines - Rob Cooper

July 22, 2020

On this episode, Rob Cooper (Head Baseball Coach at Penn State University) and I dive deep into his two most important aspects of the mental game: Awareness and routines. Having an authentic awareness of yourself is essential in being able to notice when you need to slow the game down or (a lot less frequently) speed it up. We dive into his culture workshops he has with his team every Friday where they deconstruct what failure is and simplify the game down. He mentions one of his favorite quotes which sums up one of our big topics, “If you don’t focus on one thing, you’ll be distracted by everything.” We also go over one of the best strategies I have heard yet which is a “black box worksheet.” Check out that worksheet in our Mental Game Booklet.