Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast

Episode 26: How to get your technicians to upsell

May 11, 2020

In this week's episode

Coming up in this week's show we're going to look at why most technicians are so bad at upselling, and how to motivate them to tell you when your clients really should be buying extra services from you
We're also going to look at how much you charge contract clients per hour for ad hoc work - it's probably not enough, so get ready to put your prices up!
Plus this week Paul talks to the people behind a brilliant cybersecurity plug-in for ConnectWise Automate and answers a question from an MSP on how to differentiate yourself from all the other MSPs out there

Show notes

Out every Tuesday on your favourite podcast platform
Presented by Paul Green, an MSP marketing expert
Paul's special guest was Scott Springer from Third-Wall talking about a new cybersecurity plug-in for ConnectWise Automate
Many thanks to Martin Limburn from Limbtech for the question about differentiation
While talking about how to stand out against other MSPs, Paul mentioned the vi