Parsing Science: The unpublished stories behind the world’s most compelling science, as told by the

Parsing Science: The unpublished stories behind the world’s most compelling science, as told by the

Latest Episodes

Cognitive Biases on the Supreme Court – Jonathan Feingold & Evelyn Carter
January 09, 2019

Can cognitive biases and heuristics regarding race influence U.S. Supreme Court decisions? In episode 40, Jonathan Feingold and Evelyn Carter from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) discuss the sometimes selective use of social science re...

Archaeology of the Recent Past (Part 2 of 2) – P.J. Capelotti
December 25, 2018

While we often associate archaeology with the study of cultures whose eras have long-since come and gone, artifacts from the recent past can tell us about culture as well. Part one of our conversation with P.J.

Archaeology of the Recent Past (Part 1 of 2) – P.J. Capelotti
December 11, 2018

Ordinary objects from the recent past often hold secrets about our cultural history. In episode 38, P.J. Capelotti from Penn State University Abington talks with us about the history, archaeology, and anthropology of exploration as he writes about it i...

Illusions in the Periphery – Ben Balas
November 27, 2018

What can the chance discovery of an illusion tell us about how our eyes and brains work together? Ben Balas from North Dakota State University talks with us in episode 37 about his research into the Flashed Face Distortion Effect,

Plasticity & Face Recognition – Marlene Behrmann
November 13, 2018

While we can't regenerate limbs, might our brains have greater plasticity than commonly thought? In episode 36, Marlene Behrmann from Carnegie Mellon University, discusses her 3-year longitudinal investigation of a young boy who had the region of his b...

Playing with Science History – Jean-François Gauvin
October 30, 2018

Almost lost to history, these toys quite literally put quantum mechanics at one’s fingertips. In episode 35, Jean-François Gauvin from Université Laval in Canada, discusses how he came to understand the purpose and value of unique toy blocks that ended...

Decoding Cancers’ Expression – Mike Feigin
October 16, 2018

Because 98% of the human genome doesn't serve a direct role in gene expression, many biologists have long thought of them as nothing but "junk DNA." But might they hold the key to helping stem the formation of deadly cancers? In episode 34,

Halting Cancers’ Spread – John Lewis
October 02, 2018

Can we put the brakes on cancers' ability to metastasize? In episode 33, John Lewis from the University of Alberta talks with us about his research into inhibiting cancer cell movement and metastasis through genomic targets.

Speech-to-Song Illusion – Mike Vitevitch
September 18, 2018

Can auditory errors and illusions better help us understand how the brain works? In episode 32 Mike Vitevitch from the University of Kansas talks with us about his research into the cognitive mechanisms underlying the Speech-to-Song auditory illusion.

Nothing to a Bee – Adrian Dyer
September 04, 2018

While various vertebrates have been taught to learn humans' concept of "zero," might too honey bees, even though their brains have thousands of times fewer neurons? In episode 31 Adrian Dyer from RMIT and Monash University in Australia talks with us ab...