Parsing Science: The unpublished stories behind the world’s most compelling science, as told by the

Parsing Science: The unpublished stories behind the world’s most compelling science, as told by the

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Semantic Meaning in Images – Devi Parikh
September 05, 2017

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS. A picture may be worth 1000 words, but can we also teach computers to create stories from those hidden words that lie inside our images? In this episode Dr. Devi Parikh of Georgia Tech’s school of interactive computi...

Christians and Science – Kim Rios
August 22, 2017

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS. Can stereotypes about Christians really limit who pursues science? In this episode, Dr. Kim Rios from Ohio University discusses how self-concepts and group identities may change how we look at the role of religion in ...

Christians and Science – Kim Rios
August 22, 2017

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS. Can stereotypes about Christians really limit who pursues science? In this episode, Dr. Kim Rios from Ohio University discusses how self-concepts and group identities may change how we look at the role of religion in ...

Accuracy of Health Outcome Predictions – Scott Halpern
August 08, 2017

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS. How well can doctors and nurses really predict the outcomes of their ICU patients? In this episode, Dr. Scott Halpern from the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine,

Accuracy of Health Outcome Predictions – Scott Halpern
August 08, 2017

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS. How well can doctors and nurses really predict the outcomes of their ICU patients? In this episode, Dr. Scott Halpern from the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine,

Narrative Style in Research Abstracts – Ryan Kelly
July 24, 2017

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS. What matters more in getting cited -- what you say or how you say it? In this episode we're visited by Ryan Kelly from the University of Washington's School of Marine and Environmental Affairs.

Science Writing as Storytelling – Ryan Kelly
July 24, 2017

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS. What matters more in getting cited -- what you say or how you say it? In this episode we're visited by Ryan Kelly from the University of Washington's School of Marine and Environmental Affairs.
