Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Latest Episodes

May 02, 2019

Episode 411 Produced and Narrated by Chris Gratien Episode Consultant: Devin Naar Series Consultant: Emily Pope-ObedaScript Editor: Sam Dolbee with additional contributions by Devi Mays, Claudrena Harold, Victoria Saker Woeste, Sam Negri, and Louis Negri

II. Meşrutiyet'te Kitle Hareketi, Boykotlar ve Milliyetçilik
April 17, 2019

Bölüm 410 Y. Doğan ÇetinkayaSunucu: Önder Eren Akgül Podcast'i indir Feed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud Ottoman History Podcast'in bu bölümünde Doğan Çetinkaya ile 1908 - 1914 yılları arasında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda ortaya çıkan boykot

France & Algeria: Origins and Legacies
April 07, 2019

Episode 409 with Jennifer Sessionshosted by Chris Gratien Download the podcast Feed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud In 1827, Hussein Dey, the Ottoman governor of Algiers, hit a French consul on the nose with a fly whisk during a dispute over unpaid Fre

Making Environmental Subjects on the Egyptian Nile
April 02, 2019

Episode 408 with Jennifer Derrhosted by Edna Bonhomme Download the podcast Feed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud Colonialism and violence are frequently paired in studies of the modern Middle East, but environment and violence are less commonly paired.

Survivor Objects and the Lost World of Ottoman Armenians
March 25, 2019

Episode 407 with Heghnar Watenpaughhosted by Emily Neumeier Download the podcast Feed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud The genre of biography usually applies to people, but could a similar approach be applied to an object? Can a thing have a life of its

Bosnian Comrades on Hajj
March 17, 2019

Episode 406 with Dženita Karićhosted by Taylan Güngör Download the podcastFeed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud This episode explores the post-World War II travelogues of Bosnian journalist Hasan Ljubunčić, who went on the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca after

Status Quo Utopias in the UAE
March 11, 2019

Episode 405 with Gökçe Günelhosted by Matthew GhazarianDownload the podcastFeed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud About half-hour's drive from Abu Dhabi sits Masdar City, a clean technology and renewable energy business cluster and research institute

WWI in the Syrian and Lebanese Diaspora
March 01, 2019

Episode 404 with Stacy Fahrentholdhosted by Chris Gratien Download the podcast Feed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud By the time of the First World War, there were roughly 500,000 Lebanese and Syrians in the Americas. And as Stacy Fahrenthold argues in

Extraterritoriality, Jews, and the Ottoman Twentieth Century
February 26, 2019

Episode 403 with Sarah Abrevaya Steinhosted by Nir Shafir Download the podcast Feed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud Many students of Middle Eastern history know that that some non-Muslims subjects of the Ottoman Empire became "proteges" of Eu

Histories of Childhood and Youth in the Middle East
February 19, 2019

Episode 402 with Dylan Baun, Heidi Morrison, and Murat Yildizhosted by Suzie Ferguson Download the podcast Feed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud Does everybody have a childhood? What kinds of childhood experiences have defined the modern Middle East? In