Orchestrating Success

Orchestrating Success

OS 020 - Stupid Leadership Traps #4: The Job Description

October 28, 2016
Good intentions

  • Defines scope of responsibilities - most don't really do this they only are a list of tasks and limit responsibilities setting up silos and puts people into a “box" - but gets outdated almost as soon as it’s completed
  • Protects everyone - yes, is written correctly, if not the JD can create a liability for the employer in a lawsuit
  • Defines expectations - hardly ever includes
  • Clarifies a proper fit for the person - only if competencies ar defined in the document

A new paradigm
The Position Definition Outlining Role & Responsibility

  • The competencies are clearly stated for the position - education and experience
  • Clearly define the role for the team member and the responsibility that goes with that role - example: Director of Marketing’s role is to create and implement marketing strategies for increasing the income by 25% over the next 12 months
  • Develop a set of Performance Expectations - define the outcomes for 30, 60, 90 days and for 1 year
  • Create weekly flash meetings for teams to share accomplishments from the past week and to define deliverables for the upcoming week.