Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Latest Episodes

You Need Cloud Gateways to Transition to the Cloud
November 24, 2020

Do you really need cloud gateways to transition to the cloud? Tom Hollingsworth and a panel of cloud experts tackle this question head on.

There’s Still No Viable Open Source Business Model
November 17, 2020

How can an open source project become your full-time job and how can you make money at it? Good question. Catch the podcast to find out!

Solving Networking From Home Challenges
November 10, 2020

VMware Work From Anywhere Spotlight Podcast: The pandemic has created challenges for professionals working from home, not the least of which is networking. With so much technology focused on the enterprise the new branch seems to be neglected.

Governments Trying to Disrupt Botnets is a Bad Idea
November 03, 2020

Botnets are becoming a huge part of Internet attack methods and data collection tools. The idea that thousands of machines can be used to create DDoS attacks or even impact legitimate services cannot be underestimated.

Enterprise Networking Has No Need for IPv6 – The On-Premise IT Roundtable
October 20, 2020

Enterprise networks have been on the verge of address exhaustion for years. The promise that was once the utopia of unlimited address space with IPv6 has seemed to disappear with barely a whimper. Our networks seem to be running just fine on IPv4 for t...

Object Storage is the Future of Primary Storage
October 13, 2020

On-premises object storage has traditionally been associated with archive data. Scale and density were important, but the performance was not a major consideration. Fast object storage was an oxymoron. That paradigm is changing.

Companies are Not Inherently Good or Evil
October 06, 2020

We all have the idea that there are companies that are good and companies that are bad. Some do kind things for their communities and others seek to take as much as possible. But are the companies really at fault here?

Working From Home Isn’t All That Great
September 22, 2020

The current state of the world has forced us all to work from home. It’s what we’ve always wanted, right? Freedom to hang out in our PJs all day and no travel to the office. Yet, the reality of working from home is less appealing when you get into the ...

Not All APIs Are Created Equal
September 15, 2020

NGINX Spotlight: We live in an increasingly interconnected world that hinges on responsive APIs. It is becoming a standard way for us to interface not only with software, but with devices that run that software.

Your Data is Lying to You
September 08, 2020

Facts are facts, but that doesn’t mean that your data is telling you the whole story. Data experts know that biases crop up any time we look at data, and this cannot be avoided. That’s why we need to be sensitive to these biases when making judgments a...