Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

The Cloud is More Than Just an API

June 21, 2022

Pretty much every application today has an API and scales out using modern infrastructure approaches, but is it a cloud? That’s the question we put to the panel of podcast guests today, as we look forward to Cloud Field Day 14 in June 2022. Certainly APIs are important to cloud applications, but it takes more than an API to be a cloud. The cloud operating model, and as-a-service financial models, are just as important, as are automated provisioning and scaling and hands-off management. All of these things existed historically in enterprise IT but never came together the way they do with today’s cloud services, and this is what makes them unique.

On-Premises for Today’s Roundtable:


Lino Jan Telera

Nico Stein

Brian Knudtson

Craig Rodgers

Karen Lopez


Stephen Foskett









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