Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Sometimes the Best Storage is No Storage

June 07, 2022

The line between storage and memory is blurring thanks to Intel Optane technology, and systems equipped with this might not need storage at all. Join Dr. Jawad Khan of Intel as he discusses a real-world system that was able to outperform a high-end solution at a tenth the cost thanks to Intel Optane technology. Justin Warren and Frederic Van Haren join Stephen Foskett to discuss the implications of a system that can keep an entire big data graph in persistent memory and thus does not need as much memory or high-performance storage. Dr. Khan uses Intel’s winning entry at the recent NeurIPS Conference Big ANN Challenge competition as an example, in which the Intel offering returned 4x better CAPEX and OPEX than alternatives.

On-Premises for Today’s Roundtable:


Justin Warren

Frederic Van Haren




Intel Optane Panelist

Jawad Khan, Principal Engineer at Intel. Connect with Jawad on LinkedIn or on Twitter.


Stephen Foskett



Relevant Links for Intel Optane:

* Winning the NeurIPS BillionScale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Challenge

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