Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Heavy Containers Shouldn’t Exist

November 09, 2021

Containers were supposed to be lightweight and stateless, unlike the heavy virtual machines that dominate today’s datacenter. In this first on-premises episode in two years, Stephen Foskett puts the question of heavy containers to Ned Bellavance, Nico Stein, and Nathan Bennett. Containers were intended to abstract system services rather than hardware like virtualization, and this results in their light and stateless nature. But this is a result rather than a necessary quality of containers, and companies are increasingly deploying heavy containers with multiple application components and data. As microservices applications rise, so do container management systems, and these are increasingly including light, heavy, and system service containers for networking and storage. Should heavy containers exist?

On-Premises for Today’s Roundtable:


Ned Bellavance

Nico Stein

Nathan Bennett


Stephen Foskett







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