Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Is Storageless Storage Just Someone Else’s Storage?

January 19, 2021

Storageless storage? What, in the name of oxymorons does that mean?

This new buzzphrase has hit the storage world and we need to figure out what it means, and whether this will be the next storage revolution. Storage companies do need to find a way to abstract the complexity that comes with storage and find new ways of delivering their services and platforms. Perhaps this is it.

This immediate need for storage simplification is driven primarily by the technology evolution that COVID-19 and remote work has forced on the tech industry. Many companies can no longer afford to wait and see on their storage, nor can they afford to cobble together something in the hope that it will work ‘for now’.

Storageless storage aims to reduce operational complexity, shrink operational expenditure, and provide a simpler, managed service that requires less in-house expertise – just like the cloud promised (and delivered on) all those years ago. However, there are a lot of questions that need to be asked around how it is going to work, what it actually means, and the compliance issues that may arise with utilizing remote storage.

Our Storage Field Day 21, will nail this topic (and more) down, answer your questions, and figure out exactly what storageless storage is from the companies that are driving this new platform.

Join in live on this link between January 20 and 22, 2021


Max MortillaroMatthew LeibJason CollierPaul Stringfellow


@DarkkAvenger @MBLeib@bocanuts@techstringy


Stephen Foskett, Publisher of Gestalt IT and Organizer of Tech Field Day. Find Stephen’s writing at and on Twitter at @SFoskett Date: 1/5/2021