Odd-Ass Podcasts
Latest Episodes
Episode - 9 - Parental Drugs, The Devil In 5 G Connection, & Fun Time Stories
We R Back! From a much needed break on life =D http://archive.org/download/Episode9ParentalDrugsTheDevilIn5GConnectionFunTimeStories/Episode%209%20-%20Parental%20drugs%2C%20the%20Devil%20in%205G%20connection%2C%20%26%20fun-time%20stories.mp3
Episode - 8 - First time fails, & Spring-break stories
Episode 3 - Space survival among hipsters, Chinerians, & aliens =D
Back at it again, & more relaxed than ever. Still gettin the hang of it al. Give us some suggestions on our Facebook page for what we should talk about! And the follows/subscribers/likes are much appreciated! =DThanks!!! http://archive.org/download/Ep
Episode - 5 - Dinosaur Survival & How to Treat Women
http://archive.org/download/Episode5DinosaurSurvivalHowToTreatWomen/Episode%205%20-%20Dinosaur%20Survival%20%26%20how%20to%20treat%20women.mp3 SO we got off track for a bit, sry about the wait & all <3 Heres more bologna & government cheese. Ju
Episode 4 - Tony Montana's Extravagant Bananas
Episode 1 - Simple-tonz Super Happy Fun-time Yay
Disclaimer: (All Joking) Dont listen if you can't laugh at a lot http://archive.org/download/Episode1IThink/Episode%201%20I%20think.mp3 Jus friends Havin Fun...kinda... Dark Jokes, some feelings & stuff, & "Sin-arious" The Game!!! (Li
Episode 2 - Russian Bald Mystic Bear Zombie Adventure