NotFunny Deluxe

NotFunny Deluxe

Latest Episodes

December 17, 2023

Goodbye!  Thanks for listening.NerdSack: Quickly:

NotFunny Deluxe 10 - I Guess That's It
February 19, 2023

Hey! We told you fellas we'd be back soon! See? We're actually doing it. Come get your knees deep in the shit and listen to us talk about dead malls (again), the Harry Potter game (for about one minute), Butch Hartman sending Timmy Turner to He

NotFunny Deluxe 9 -
February 03, 2023

We're a little rusty but we're back for good! How can you be sure that we're back for good? Well you'll have to listen to the episode. We talk about our new website, buzzards that wear bells, and how the new Forspoken game is epic ba

NotFunny Deluxe 8 - Homer Love NotFunny
September 11, 2022

Nerd episode! Homer love nerd culture! Homer talk about She-Hulk, VR, and Duke Nukem! Homer also love Scuzzy shitting all over his mattress! Me Homer!Finley's FF7 fanfic: Coconut Crew: Garden, Scuzzy, Finley, Disco

NotFunny Deluxe 7 - The Fat Orange Winner
June 29, 2022

Back for 2022 with jokes from 2016. Finley does a Trump impression for almost the entire episode with his poor quality mic recording from a cabin. Syd is back and has recovered from his Insemula, ready to hit up every Applebee's in his city. Syd t

NotFunny Deluxe 6 - Just Like Shrek
March 06, 2021

Running shoes ready? This episode we cover little-people actors, how public school is prison for children (and why their mothers love it), and that NotFunny Deluxe might not actually be that different than AI generated YouTube content aimed at children f

NotFunny Deluxe 5 - Trump In The Biden
February 17, 2021

Trust the plan; Trump is IN The Biden! This week the crew touches on the truth behind our current President, Chef Ramsay's lie of an existence, how GrubHub is anti-human, and of course a whole mess of poop. We also talk about Batman for the last t

NotFunny Announcement: We're LIVE!
February 15, 2021

We're going to be doing a Let's Play in about 20 minutes.Check it out here:

NotFunny Deluxe 4 - Jumbotron Oppression (feat.Disco)
January 14, 2021

****EPISODE EDITED BY FINLEY****Disco joins us again as we discuss Italian portion sizes, when a retard crosses the line, and Steam putting gay penises on their front page. We also are honoring the results of an unrigged election on Twitter by hashing ou

NotFunny Deluxe 4 - Jumbotron Oppression (feat.Disco)
January 13, 2021

Garden's tragic origin story