Not Another Podcast?

Not Another Podcast?

Episode 58: It's Time for a Milkshake

July 15, 2015

Greetings NAP? Army!
We want to thank everyone who has been buying all their Amazon goods through our website at  It has really helped us with keeping the lights on.  If you don't know about it just go to our site, go to the right side of the web page, scroll down to the middle and the Amazon link is there, it takes you to the site and you are all's that easy!
We have an interesting show... Brett almost doesn't make it because of his car, we talk about Bethesda Milk shakes and we have a taste test... and Neighbor Joe exercises his 2nd Amendment Rights...
Thank you again to everyone for your love and support, its amazing we have not been asked to leave the internet... don't tell Al Gore!
Brett, Joe & Bill