Not Another Podcast?

Not Another Podcast?

Episode 56: Thinking It Could Be Great...

July 01, 2015

Greetings NAP? Army!
Episode 56 starts with a bang literally as Joe tells us how we can in fact solve almost every world problem... I will give you a hint... its the same answer for everything...
We also talk about our endorsement for President.. Donald Trump.. he has one more issues to deal with
We also tell you where not to eat in DC, What we are doing for the 4th and why we think the arrest of a female executive in Japan...
Finally Joe has to leave to break bread with his family and well.. the show devolves... lol
Tell us what you think!  @fooboy21 @morningzoojoe and @napodcastusa
Thank you for listening and thank you for giving us the chance to entertain you!  Mildly.. hopefully... 
Brett, Joe & Bill