Not Another Podcast?

Not Another Podcast?

Episode 24: It's Time To Clean the Gutters!

November 18, 2014

Brett and Bill Start the show out talking about the new commerce site that will be available this week... just in time for Black Friday!  NAP Army Rejoice... We Sold Out!  We have Swag to buy!
Brett and Bill start the show off with Brett talking about his situation last week and if he was ok (your emails required this conversation).  He is ok, but let's just say it was much ado about nothing.. and nothing is code.  So is MAP... and we explain.
Bill then talks about his sausage making class.  Yes, the inuendo flies and it is fun for the whole family... FCC approved too!
I then talk about my charity, the Salvation Army to extend The NAP? Season of Giving.  I go into why I am involved in their work and why I think it is a great cause.  You can donate where they ring the bell or can donate online here:
Finally... Brett needs your help for Thanksgiving.  Give him some shows he can binge on that are female friendly.  I give him some ideas and we want your ideas too... just leave a message on our website
Remember, we still need your help with our survey... it takes 15 seconds.. literally
Thank you again and please check out our website at
We love you NAP? Army and thank you Italy for your love Episode 21!