Not Another Podcast?

Not Another Podcast?

Episode 18: We're Legal!!!!

October 07, 2014

Once again we are on the road, on location because the studio is moving and everything is in boxes ready to go!
Tonight we thank the NAP Army, Brett talks about the 18 inning marathon he was at on Saturday and then we talk about a show that left an impression on us even to ths day, the Japanese Version of Iron Chef.  We then roll out talking about The Real Housewives of NJ... 
If you want to join our mailing list before it is on our site, please send me a note at
Thank you everyone for your support!  Thank you Hertford England for your support of the show... please write us on how we can get some Football Jerseys... we want to show our love when we record the show.
Another shout out to Eastern PA (Bethlehem, Harrisburg, York, Lancaster) coming strong today in the downloads... wow!  Thank you!
We could not do this without you!  Let us know what you think!
Brett & Bill