Not Another Podcast?

Not Another Podcast?

Episode 17: It's Lime Time! (with a lot of Football and Baseball)

September 30, 2014

September 30, 2014 is Podcast Day... so Happy Podcast Day Everyone!
On this episode, the boys talk about what happened this weekend, and move right into a great conversation and guest, Chris Maynard from Bring It In Close and Take a Knee... A Sports Page, where we cover the NFL at the quarter pole and talk Baseball playoffs
We then go into the things you like us doing the most... taste tests... and boy do we have a doozie... we try the Lime Flavored Wheat Thins (what?) and Limeade Oreos... ummmm... yeah....
Finally Bill goes into a rant about something he posted on Twitter last week... a DC parking ticket... I go full in... but if you want some entertainment on this... check out the raw feed of Ward 8 Council Member and "Mayor for Life" Marion Shepilov Barry Jr. speak to his issues with parking tickets with Fox 5's Emily Miller back in August of 2014.
Hertford England, we love you!
Here is a link to Bring It In Close and Take a Knee...