Not Another Podcast?

Not Another Podcast?

Episode 13... Superstition

September 03, 2014

Tonight is Episode 13... so Superstitions are in Order... but before that, The First Annual Not Another Podcast?  PODCRAWL, starts Saturday at 2pm at The Breeze in Herndon.  If you want to join us for "NAP Snacks" at the Wieners Circle, that starts at around 12:30
Here is the Evite for the Podcrawl:
Here is the Schedule...  
2pm  The Breeze
3pm O'Sullivans
4pm Jimmy's Old Town Tavern
T Shirts will be available for Purchase!
Tonight we talk about Superstitions and the ones Brett and I have.  We also get into the Back to School swing of things and talk about our favorite lunch boxes.
Finally... We have some of the worst snacks EVER... seriously...