No One Told Me

No One Told Me

For When You’re Still Figuring Out How To Find Your People

October 11, 2022

Community is just...hard. Whether you’re rolling into a new chapter in life with a new job or a new city, new husband, new baby - these big life shifts create big emotional and mental shifts and really all you want is for someone to be like, “Yeah, I get it. Let’s walk through it together." We want to show up exactly how we are without having to perform or cover anything up. That’s the gold standard of friendship, right? You can be exactly who you are without any fear of changing the relationship.

While I don’t have a magic community forming formula for you, we do maybe have ways to approach building community. Hopefully these are some points of comfort and encouragement, so by the end, you know you’re not as alone as you think in trying to find your people.

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