No More Stress. Stop & Be Still.

No More Stress. Stop & Be Still.

Latest Episodes

You will be just fine
August 11, 2018

At some point the inner you will wake up and slap you out of your misery, save you from the tragedy, lift you up from pitty. The greater you is waiting to experience more. It will summons more contrast to help you experience life on a deeper level. It won

Unlearn. Expand your vision.
August 11, 2018

The voices - the internal noise we hear from folks or toxic people has dampened our spirits. These seeds that they planted didn't bare fruit and has left us feeling less empowered, but today, we decide to live. Today we decide to expand our vision and bec

Moments, improving your life.
August 11, 2018

No fear, no regret. All love, all light. Remembering the moments.

Improve your life - moments
April 06, 2018

Life is a series of wonderful moments strung together. We must learn to abandon the need for a lifetime thought, and take advantage of the moments.

Spiritual Warfare Be gone
March 04, 2018

Give me the strength of 20 lions

Spiritual Warfare Be - gone
March 04, 2018

Pourhoneyonme - most high make it sweet again.

No More Stress, Stop & Be
November 20, 2017

No more stress, stop now!