No But Really
Latest Episodes
Being Connected
Everyone has wondered what it would be like if you left your job, your home, your friends and your old life
Been Around the World, Don't Speak the Language
Everyone has wondered what it would be like if you left your job, your home, your friends and your old life
Infidelity - A Traumatic Experience
Our very first Skype interview (heyo!) with Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Professor and great
Just Sit With Me - With Kalina Wilson
When you're in your early 20's, you don't expect to get cancer, but that's exactly what happened to our guest
I Thought My Church Was For Me with Joy Oladokun
No But Really comes back from the break with Joy Oladokun talking about her journey from worship leading at Rock Harbor to
You Can't Sit With Us...Being Bisexual in the Christian Church
Carlos Hurtado is our guest this week. Carlos used to be the "Ideal Christian": volunteering multiple times per week,
I Thought The Date Went So Well! ...Where Did He Go?
Jonathan Dickson stops by to give the male perspective on dating apps
Bumbling Around On Tinder With My Coffee Looking For My Dream Bagel
The struggle is real! Our guest Lauren Francis (@…
Follow Your Dreams...But At What Cost?
1st step: MBA. 2nd Step: Quit and become an actor.