The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

Impulse Buying of Love
July 16, 2008

Next Step Podcast Episode #5 - July 16, 2008. When Peter accepts Jesus invitation to be a fisher of people (Matthew 4), he and his brother Andrew are impulse buyers of Love. Its another example for us to not restrict our ability to love. Included in this

Repent or Perish
July 10, 2008

Pain and suffering is experienced on different scales, whether on a grand scale as when natural disasters strike, or as experienced on the personal or individual level. Is this because the sins of some are greater or worse than others? The answer is found

Freedom to Create Through Love
July 02, 2008

Independence Day is a fitting time to look at our freedoms through the lens of Armenian Orthodoxy. What has been the strength of the Armenian people to survive? Where does this spirituality come from? Christ releases us of our bonds and gives us the true

Vartavar - The Transfiguration Feast
June 26, 2008

This coming Sunday is referred to as Vartavar; a pagan feast transfigured into a Christian one. So today Fr. Vazken takes the next step to a place called Transfiguration. Jesus’ transfiguration is documented in several of the Gospels including the scene
