The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

The Ox, House, and Wife on Advent
December 11, 2008

On the Great Banquet, or WWJWFHB = (What would Jesus want for his Birthday?) The answer is given in scripture and in this podcast! What were the Jesus "parents" like? We got a glimpse of them in Montrose, of all places. And what a headache they COULD have

Shaking Christmas Vampires
December 03, 2008

You’ll find this episode filled with “Happy Holiday” cheer, and here’s a hint: it’s not because Fr. Vazken wants to be politically correct! Christmas is coming and with the season of Advent, you’re invited to look within and at how the Christ

Thanksgiving Meal: Icon of the Holy Eucharist
November 26, 2008

Well he promised and now he delivered! Fr. Vazken presents herein the holistic religion: Armenian Orthodoxy. And the Thanksgiving meal serves as the icon for this holistic expression. This is one of Fr. Vazken's fundamental teaching points and a must-list

No Thanks to Cults: Religion Gone Wrong
November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving, Cults, Religion gone bad and much more. As Mr. Potter gives the secrets to financial success in this market, Fr. Vazken instructs about thanksgiving. It is the cornerstone of the faith and the key to lasting love. In this remarkable podcast,

Giving a Thanks Blessing
November 12, 2008

Stuffed Turkey, dressing and… Mother Goose? Not quite, but there is so much more to the holiday than the culinary delights that have … how do you say? Given us that je ne sais quoi satisfaction of the the salivary glands. It's certainly not the additi

Small Steps Lead to Big Dreams
November 05, 2008

Barack Obama is President! A dream comes true. Mines explode in Karabagh ending the dreams of others. Fr. Vazken returns from the Obama campaign trail in Las Vegas and talks about the enduring power of dreams. Jesus tell us, "I tell you the truth, unless

Beneath the Halloween Mask of Life
October 30, 2008

Boo! This podcast in not designed to scare you, only to make you think. Here's an opportunity to examine the masks we all wear in life. Fr. Vazken carefully removes the layers that guard and protect us and beneath are no monsters but a pure heart given by

The Poor, the Prisoners, and the Blind
October 22, 2008

In the Gospel of Luke Jesus says, “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set a

Mindless Obsessions vs. Serious Issues
October 02, 2008

It’s a mashup this week, but not of the digital web application variety! Religion, Politics (yes, we’re in that season), Destiny or Not, and Responsibility are all a part of this episode. And of course this is a podcast on Orthodoxy, so find out how i

Stirred by the Spirit
September 24, 2008

“The Dove that was sent came down from on high with a great sound and like the flashing of light he armed the disciples with fire…” Hymn of the Holy Spirit. Hold on to your seats while you tune in because in this striking fashion your heart will be