The Next Step

The Next Step

Time Share Management: Sold but No Satisfaction

February 21, 2013

Next Step #246: Corporate hypocrisy: Can the perfect nature of Christ's Body be reconciled with the imperfections of the human management team? Do we either accept and live with hypocrisy or opt for a revolution? Listeners chime in with stories of separation. Time-share strategies for selling Christ fail as they bait and switch another time around. The large avocado pit on the Lenten plate.
Anush's Pomegranate: "Controlling my Inner Martha"
Song: "Autumn/Spring" by Lilit Pipoyan
Gor Mkhitarian's Review of Pipoyan's "Nav" CD
Lenten Journey:
Sun Sash:
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
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