Steel City Bots Transformers Podcast

Steel City Bots Transformers Podcast

Latest Episodes

Fan First Friday Makes Miguel Depressed About Our Future
February 05, 2022

The title says it all!

Steel City Bots - Episode 123 - Before It’s January, Here’s September’s Episode in December
December 31, 2021

Cutting it close as we end 2021, we head into the archives to dust off an episode from September! After a bumpy intro the SCB gang inevitably veering off into parts unknown and discovering a terror un

Galvatron's Hole
June 06, 2021

Galvatron has a hole and I love it, okay?

Road Rage Skinned #thiccshockwave
June 04, 2021

Road Rage, Grindor, Ravage, and skinned #thiccshockwave are all real things!

Sideswipe and his Eagle Friend Better Have Alien Insurance
June 01, 2021

Skywarp and Earth Mode Sideswipe are here to rock or disappoint your world! And your car insurance better include freaking spaceships.

Steel City Bots: Aaron Discovers Machu Picchu
May 30, 2021

On the latest full-fledged episode of SCB, the gang throws structure out the window and just goes where the energy takes them. Tune in to find out where the chaos takes them and just how exactly this involves some South American ruins.

Netflix Accepting Cyberverse Movies with Mysterious Bionic Hands
May 29, 2021

Cyberverse movies on Netflix yayyyyyy! Kingdom Mirage looks neat, just like the creators' mysterious hands!

All of Hound's Guns Versus Shockwave's Thicc Booty
May 27, 2021

Shockwave may not have a face yet, but he sure has a butt! Hound had an inaccurate body but lots of guns so we loved and still love him, that fat ballerina! 

Oreobots Make Movies Better
May 26, 2021

Artfire sure is a different Inferno, right? Oh, Studio Series 86 look great in hand, and The Ark looks great because nostalgia! But more importantly... does YOUR favorite movie have an Oreobot??

Rhinox's Face is a Warrant for Cherry Rum
May 25, 2021

Today we talk about muddy rhinos, funny lines, and drinking to improve speech?