Nerd Caster

Latest Episodes
Episode 125 – Baldur’s Gate 3 and Shredders Revenge
Mikey and Joe talk about the playing Baldurs Gate 3, the builds they chose, who they are romancing and how far they are in the game. After that the two discuss The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game Sh
Episode 124 – Last of Us
This episode Joe and Mikey are joined by former co-host, Lori. The three discuss the video game The Last of Us and its adaptation T.V. Series on HBO Max. Joe and Lori never played the video game but d
Episode 123 – Nerdcaster 2.0 Mikey O
Welcome to the remastered version of the Nerd Caster Podcast! Joe is back with his new partner and co-host, Mikey O. In this episode, get to know Mikey better as he talks about his love for the Teenag
Episode 122 – Comic Crypt
This week Joe opens his comic book briefcase that he has since he was a little kid and invites you the viewer/listener to check out what comics he purchased. He has not seen the contents or even reme
Episode 121 – The Geekery Radio Hour
It was my pleasure to hang out and record with the Co-Owner of The Geekery in Matawan NJ and his co-host Kaelyn. We talked a lot about comics, CW Television shows, binge-watching on Netflix and so much more. At one point,
Episode 120 – Gaming Dads Academy Takeover
This episode the guys from The Gaming Dads Academy podcast invade Nerd Caster for a way awesome takeover. Listen in as Joe joins The Gaming Dads Academy to talk about the PS5 Release, Mass Effect, Star Wars, and a whole lot more.
Episode 119 – Updates Minisode
Joe records late to talk about some updates that Nerd Caster is going through and about some of the stuff he has been up to in his spare time. For those who dont know Joe then youre in for a surpris
Top 5 SEGA Games
Joe and Justin are still stuck in COVID quarantine and decided to make this podcast a video and audio version. The two of them talk about their Top 5 Sega Games since there isnt much else going on at
Episode 117 – Streets of Rage 4
Streets of Rage 4 is now available on Nintendo Switch, Steam (PC), XBOX, and PS4 and Joe and Justin are all about it. Listen in as they discuss their playthrough of the game, some secrets and throwbacks to the games in the original Streets of Rage seri...
Episode 116 – Jason Douglas
Nerd Casters own Joe and Justin are joined by author, Jason Douglas, to talk about his new graphic novel Parallel from Source Point Press. Jason goes over his journey of how he came up with the idea