Negus With Opinions Podcast

Negus With Opinions Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ban on Abortion
May 21, 2019

Deann & D'Rich share their opinions on the newly passed "Heartbeat" Bill which has essentially made abortion illegal in several states. Join the NWO crew as they dive into the many layers of this highly controversial topic. Enjoy! --- This episode

What's Love got to do with it? Part 2
April 30, 2019

We continue into the discussion of the current state of relationships by touching on Cheating, Break Up to Make Up, and it's lasting effects! Enjoy!  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

What's Love Got to do with it?
April 24, 2019

A discussion on the current state of Love in 2019!!

Is the Black Community our biggest enemy?
April 16, 2019

On this episode of Negus With Opinions Podcast, the co-hosts dive into the subject of self-hate; from the crabs in the bucket mentality to issues of complexion. Deann & D'Rich bring you THE REAL on areas the black community is struggling using current