The Mental Elf

The Mental Elf

The Global Human Rights and Mental Health Crisis of Forced Displacement

November 16, 2019

The Global Human Rights and Mental Health Crisis of Forced Displacement
Interviewer Zac Steel @zacharysteel
Brian Hall @brianhallphd, Kenneth Miller @KennethEMiller, Andrew Rasmussen, Amit Bernstein

More than 70 million people are forcibly displaced by violence, war, ethnic cleansing, hunger and related tragic events. Repeated trauma exposure and post-migration stressors that characterize the refugee experience are a human rights and global public mental health crisis. Policy makers, non-governmental organizations, practitioners, and leaders of refugee communities, face a daunting set of questions and hurdles to develop and implement mental health care for refugees. This team presenting at #ISTSS2019 discuss the challenges and possible responses that the mental health research and clinical community can have in responding to this global challenge.