NaNoWriMo Like A Boss

NaNoWriMo Like A Boss

Latest Episodes

S4Ep04 - NaNoWriMo Final Stretch - Skip the Boring Stuff!!
November 27, 2017

NaNoWriMo Final Stretch - Skip the Boring Stuff!!

S4Ep03 - No Negative Nancy's Allowed!
November 20, 2017

These Negative Nancy's keep trying to come in, I'm kicking them out the front door...

S4Ep02 - First Time Pantser
November 02, 2017

I'm going to attempt to be a pantser this year...we shall see...

S4Ep01 - 2017 NaNoWrimo Novel
November 01, 2017

Tragedy 2.0 - my 2017 NaNoWrimo novel! A science fiction novel set in a post apocalyptic future. "In a world beyond the eve of destruction an undying woman makes a choice. She chooses to turn a blind eye to a tragic event that she could have...