How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

The Holy Trinity of Political Campaigns – Steve Beren

April 04, 2018

Steve Beren’s odyssey has led him from New York to Oregon and from left wing radicalism to the conservative right. As a political consultant, he’s done an incredible amount of work in a short time and his time in the trenches of the left is now paying off for the right.
Thank you to Campaign Sidekick for supporting this podcast. Visit to find out how their best-in-breed voter contact platform can revolutionize your campaign and help you win!
I hope y’all are doing well and had a great Easter and Passover. I got to spend some time down with my family at the ranch polishing my shooting skills, catching some fish and eating plenty of my mom’s fine cooking. Plus my little man Stoney just hit six months old and we had plenty of grandparents and great-grandparents at the ranch to spoil him. It was great!
It’s good to be back with y’all and a new interview though! This week we’re talking to Steve Beren, owner of One Spark Marketing of Washington State. He’s been working in the political consulting field for a number of years, has run for office himself and is a long time activist in the Washington State GOP. The really interesting part though is that through the first several decades of his life, Steve was a radical leftist activist. He was a union activist, leftist infiltrator, socialist and antiwar radical. That’s hardly the avatar of someone you’d figure would become a conservative, let alone a successful Republican consultant later in his life.
Steve’s conversion story and his advice on what he calls “the Holy Trinity of Political Campaigns” is fantastic and I think y’all will enjoy our conversation.

As you’re listening, I’d love it if you’d give some thought to who you’d like me to have on in the next few months. I’m trying to streamline some of my processes and really focus in on the things y’all get the most from. So any advice on guests and how you believe we can increase the value that My Campaign Coach provides to you would be most appreciated. Shoot me an email to or message me on Facebook. Either one will get to me quickly and be incredibly helpful.
What You’ll Learn about the Holy Trinity of Political Campaigns In This Episode:
[00:00] Podcast Introduction
[03:07] Steve Beren’s background and political conversion story
[16:32] What kind of candidate’s do we need?
[18:12] The Holy Trinity of Campaigns: Messaging, Fundraising and Name Recognition
[45:54] Steve’s model of Political Consulting
[55:02] Closing Wisdom and How to Reach Steve Beren
[58:03] Help us with advice and closing thoughts from Raz
Links from the Podcast:
Connect with Steve Beren on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Check out his websites, One Spark Marketing,, and read more about him at the Cowlitz County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner on April 14, 2018.
Steve Beren’s odyssey has led him from New York to Oregon and from left wing radicalism to the conservative right. As a political consultant,