Ms. Ileane Speaks | Your Digital Media Tour Guide

Ms. Ileane Speaks | Your Digital Media Tour Guide

Latest Episodes

My All Time Favorite Tip for Getting Blog Traffic
December 06, 2012

In this episode I talk about how you can get more blog traffic by paying attention to the information found in Google Analytics.Mentioned in this episode: Justin Young Major Money Tips

My All Time Favorite Tip For Getting Blog Traffic
December 06, 2012

I'm a blogger and social media ninja! I create video tutorials on YouTube and now I'm podcasting!

Become an Authority Online with Scoopit
November 25, 2012 is a content curation platform you can use to create an online magazine and build your authority in a given niche. View my podcasting scoops here more about Scoop.it

Become An Authority Online with Scoopit
November 25, 2012

I'm a blogger and social media ninja! I create video tutorials on YouTube and now I'm podcasting!

10 Point Check List For Blog Promotion
October 27, 2012

Use this 10 point blog promotion checklist to promote your pillar content on the internet. Mentioned in this episode: Blog Engage Social Buzz Club Blokube http://blokub

10 Point Check List for Blog Promotion
October 27, 2012

I'm a blogger and social media ninja! I create video tutorials on YouTube and now I'm podcasting!

5 Reasons to Start Building Your Email List with AWeber
October 22, 2012

AWeber is one of the most popular email marketing services around. My five reasons for using AWeber to build an email list are WordPress integration, Ad tracking, list segmentation, Facebook and the Rapportive extension for Google Chrome inside of Gmail.

Your Transformation from Blogger to Webmaster
October 15, 2012

The next step in your blogging journey is your transformation from blogger to webmaster. I’ll tell you how to use Google Webmaster tools to find out where your traffic is coming from and what keywords people are using to find your content on Google

The Three C's of Your Blogging Success
October 08, 2012

Blogging Success means different things to everyone but for me a successful blogger has these three qualities. Connections, Collaborations and Confidence here is all you can get all of these things and continue on the path of your blogging journey. Get f

Start Your Blogging Journey Today
October 01, 2012

Here are the steps you should take to bring focus and purpose to your blog and to ensure that your readers understand what your blog is about. I share a story about how I started my blogging journey and established goals and objectives on the path to bein