Morning Coffee with Larry Quicksall

Morning Coffee with Larry Quicksall

Latest Episodes

Episode 290 - Be Prepared - Apr 09, 2020
April 09, 2020

Good Morning and Good Coffee!  Holy Goats, what an interesting time last night.  In a four hour stretch we had a flat tire, a goat deliver twins, a severe storm hit the farm, the we lost electricity, and tree snapped off, and we had to take shel

Episode 289 - Appreciating Peace - April 8, 2020
April 08, 2020

Good morning and good coffee! Today I’m reflecting on appreciating peace, appreciating tranquility, and appreciating the gift that surrounds us that we often overlook. I’m recording today with our newest dog Shy in her shelter and just enjoying the sounds

Episode 288 - Sharing Your Gifts - April 7, 2020
April 07, 2020

Good morning and good coffee everybody! Today I want to hit the topic of sharing your gifts, talents, and abilities. I was inspired this morning by a dear friend named Jodi who with her husband recorded a beautiful him on Facebook. With that inspiration,

Episode 287 - Anticipation - April 6, 2020
April 06, 2020

Good morning and good coffee everybody! Today I want to focus on the word “anticipation”. Over the weekend we had a lot of anticipation for spring as we were planting different perennials. There’s also been a lot of anticipation regarding the coronavirus.

Episode 286 - Toilet Paper Mystery Solved - April 3, 2020
April 03, 2020

Good morning and good coffee everybody! And happy Friday!!! On today’s episode I wanna share with you an article that explains in logical sense why we have the great toilet paper shortage of 2020. No, this is not a belated April fools joke. It is a logica

Episode 285 - Missing History - April 2, 2020
April 02, 2020

Good morning and good coffee everybody! Join with me today as I am driving to work and sharing my observations and thoughts as I drive through the countryside and witness some of the lost, missing history that is all around us. --- Send in a voice mess

Episode 284 - Last Podcast - March 32, 2020
April 01, 2020

Good morning and good coffee! I have some very important news for you on today’s podcast. --- Send in a voice message:

Episode 283 - Self Care At Home - March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020

Good morning and good coffee! It’s easy to get things out of balance when you are stuck at home. Today I cover 10 great tips for maintaining balance if you happen to be stuck at home during the pandemic. --- Send in a voice message:

Episode 282 - The Next 30 Days - March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020

Good morning and good coffee everybody! Today I share with you a couple of Memes about self-care and appreciation, but I also get into the idea of a challenge, a bit of a 30 day challenge regarding the extension of social distancing practices through the

Episode 252 - Reaping What You Sow - Feb 17, 2020
February 17, 2020

Good morning and good coffee! Today I want to talk about the topic of reaping what you sow. Some people may call it karma while others may say what goes around comes around, but the seeds that you plant today you will harvest as a crop tomorrow. What kind