More Than Steps Podcast - Belly Dance Geek

More Than Steps Podcast - Belly Dance Geek

Latest Episodes

Walking On Eggshells
October 17, 2017

How judgmental comments stall your development.

The Perspective Effect
October 10, 2017

Why you think you're boring LONG before the audience does.

Falling Off The Wagon
October 03, 2017

How to restart a stalled practice.

The Skeleton Technique
September 26, 2017

How to mine what you already know to create fresh combinations.

The Practice Tantrum
September 20, 2017

How to keep your inner toddler from derailing your practice

What If This Was Your Last Show?
September 13, 2017

One question that changes everything

Dead Time or Incubation Period?
September 05, 2017

How taking a break from dancing can make you a better dancer (and how to make sure it does)

Finding Safety Moves That Fit
August 29, 2017

What to do if the moves you remember easily when you improvise aren't working for you.

If You Hesitate, You Lose
August 22, 2017

What soccer goalies can teach belly dancers about improvisation.

Incremental Practice
August 14, 2017

How to sneak more practice into your routine.