Monkeys With Matches

Monkeys With Matches

Latest Episodes

The Way of the Turtle
January 14, 2021

calming down the nutbag army

The Trump Cult
January 05, 2021

I survived 2020

Bill Devlin Part 1
December 16, 2020

monkeys and punk rock in the 80's

Shall We Overcome?
October 28, 2020

only in the darkness can you see the stars

The Illuminati
October 02, 2020

the order of the day

Joseph Skokie
September 14, 2020

maga magic

Unicorn Santa Pony Tail
August 20, 2020

don't be a baby

She's A Star
August 19, 2020

wear a mask

August 17, 2020

an old friend chimes in

August 12, 2020

a hard woman is good to find