Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Latest Episodes

Why You Should Stop Procrastinating!
May 03, 2017

The post Why You Should Stop Procrastinating! appeared first on Peter Gianoli.

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 030
April 29, 2017

This week’s episode of Monday Sales Coach discusses the why a client’s objection is seldom about the price of your offering even though that maybe what they tell you is the issue. Download Podcast Episode It’s Seldom About The Price Problem: One of the...

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 029
April 22, 2017

If you’re a sales manager, or even the CEO, go look at the opportunities your sales people have put into their CRM. Comb through each opportunity, look at the notes, next steps, past emails, look through the entire thing. I bet you can’t find it. I...

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)– The Big Idea Worksheet.
April 16, 2017

Let’s begin with a definition for a unique selling proposition (USP). Definition: The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition. Before you can begi

How To Do Great Things
April 11, 2017

The post How To Do Great Things appeared first on Peter Gianoli.

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 028
April 08, 2017

In this episode, we are going to look at a concept I like to call the accidental sales person. Let’s get started. Download Podcast Episode Transcript The Accidental Sales Person Problem: Recently I was reading an article written by a well-known sales t...

10 Ways to Create a Better”About Page” For Your Website
April 05, 2017

A year ago I was reviewing my own websites statistics and to my surprise my About Page was in the top ten most visited pages of all time. Prior to that I hadn’t really given my About Page much attention – I viewed it as... The post 10 Ways to

Excellent Business Proposals – A guideline!
April 03, 2017

If there is one thing that individuals in business need to develop it is the skills to develop excellent business proposals. Sales representatives must learn to take advantage of the concept of excellent business proposals when doing their presentations.

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 027
April 01, 2017

If there is one thing that individuals in the field of business are well-acquainted with, it is the business proposal. Sales representatives must learn to take advantage of the concept of business proposals when doing their presentations.

Is Your Website Earning It’s Keep?
March 30, 2017

When you first set up your company’s website – were you filled with optimism that it would do its job and lift your business to a whole new level? Is your website earning its keep? My research has found that even though a lot of... The post Is Your We