Mimosas N’ Massage

Mimosas N’ Massage

Team No Excuses

January 23, 2018

Lady Reeses caught up with her good friend Fitness Expert Duane Harley Jr to discuss his interesting opinion on his personal brand #teamnoexcuses, alcohol & sexual assault and how all that plays a role when it comes to your health & Wellness.

For personal training and other business inquiries with Duane Harley Jr
Email: duaneharleyjr1700@gmail.com
Instagram: big_d_harley
Snapchat: MrHarley10

Exclusively for our amazing listeners you can visit https://Mimosasnmassage.org/vip for some great discounts & offers.

Email - mimosaspa@outlook.com

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Blubrry - https://www.blubrry.com/mimosasnmassage/

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Website - http://mimosasnmassage.org