Episode 1 — Let’s Talk About You and Me (and Senate Elections, Abenomics, NBC’s Heroes, and snoring)

January 11, 2015

Our inaugural episode! Derek and John talk about themselves, John tries to explain the intricacies of Australian Senate elections, Derek complains about John’s snoring, and the boys moan about a TV show that was cancelled in 2010.

Show Notes

Wikipedia does a better job of explaining how the Senate is elected.

Yes, India does compete in the Commonwealth Games (and did very well, thank you very much.)

The interview with Steven Yeun is from the Sound and Fury podcast from the Angry Asian Man Blog.


Wikipedia has a pretty good entry for “Abenomics“, current Japanese PM Shinzo Abe’s economics policy that Derek mentions. And NPR’s Planet Money podcast has a good background on Japan’s economic crisis in the 90’s.