Medical Spanish Podcast

Medical Spanish Podcast

Protection after Vaccination in Spanish

March 10, 2021

This is our 10th lesson on the Covid vaccines. Eight of these lessons are included in our free podcast and are available to all on our website. Check out all our lessons covering Spanish for COVID-19.

Do you need 2 doses of the vaccine?

How long does protection last? 

My Spanish teacher from the San Pedro Spanish SchoolElizabet Cortéz, provides the answers in Spanish. OJO: She answers the first two questions with respect to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

The primary purpose of these lessons is to practice useful Spanish vocabulary and phrases when discussing vaccination against Covid-19. When speaking with patients, you should always use information provided by current trusted medical sources. 


Quick Navigation
Do I need 2 doses? To get an injectionEs preciso que > subjuntivoExpressing time between dosesTo schedule an appointment Protection after first doseWhen am I protected? Puede (ser) que > subjuntivoMore data > More phrasesHow long does protection last? Reinfection Within a period of timeWe need more dataReferencesRelated LessonsQuiz

Do I need 2 doses? 


For this question, Eliza addresses the patient as tú, indicating that she has established a relationship with the patient and therefore, she feels comfortable using tú rather than usted.

Pregunta 1

¿Necesito ponerme dos dosis de la vacuna?

Sí. Para recibir la protección adecuada de la vacuna, es preciso que te apliques dos dosis de la vacuna con 3 a 4 semanas de diferencia entre las dosis. Por eso, antes de recibir la primera dosis deberíamos programar tu próxima cita para recibir la segunda dosis.

To get an injection


¿Necesito ponerme dos dosis de la vacuna?

Es preciso que te apliques 2 dosis de la vacuna

Deberíamos programar tu próxima cita para recibir la segunda dosis.

la protección adecuada
adequate protection


Es preciso que > subjuntivo3:53

Es preciso que te apliques dos dosis de la vacuna con 3 a 4 semanas de diferencia entre las dosis.
You should received 2 doses of the vaccine 3 to 4 weeks apart. 

Expressing time between doses


con 3 a 4 semanas de diferencia (entre las dosis)
3 to 4 weeks apart

con 3 a 6 semanas de diferencia (entre las dosis)
3 to 6 weeks apart

To schedule an appointment 


programar/agendar tu próxima cita
to schedule your next appointment

Deberíamos programar tu próxima cita para recibir la segunda dosis.
We should schedule your next appointment to receive the second dose.

Protection after first dose


Para recibir mayor protección, debes aplicarte 2 dosis de la vacuna con 3 a 6 semanas de diferencia (entre las dosis).
To receive greater protection, you should get 2 doses of the vaccine 3 to 6 weeks apart.

  • OJO: Since Eliza and I wrote and recorded these questions and answers further data (1) has come out showing that 15 days after the first dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, effectiveness may be around 90%! In an Israeli study (3) posted in the NEJM, effectiveness was lower (around 50%), but still pretty good!.  Therefore, instead of saying PROTECCIÓN ADECUADA, you could also use the phrase MAYOR PROTECCIÓN (greater protección). Also, the second shot likely extends the length of protección.
When am I protected? 


Eliza returns to referring to the patient as usted for the last two questions. 

Pregunta 2

¿Cuándo voy a estar protegida del Covid-19 después de vacunarme?

El organismo necesita tiempo para montar una defensa inmunológica así que puede que usted no esté protegida hasta una semana o dos después de aplicarse la segunda inyección.

el organismo / cuerpo

montar una defensa inmunológica
to mount an immune defense

El organismo necesita tiempo para montar una defensa inmunológica.
The body needs time to mount an immune defense.


Puede (ser) que > subjuntivo


Así que puede que usted no esté protegida.
Thus, you may not be protected. 

Puede que usted no esté protegida hasta una semana o dos después de aplicarse la segunda inyección.
You may not be protected until a week or two after getting the second injection.

More data > More phrases10:29

Puede (ser) que usted esté protegida 2 semanas después de la primera dosis.
It may be that you are protected 2 weeks after the first dose.

La segunda dosis actúa como un refuerzo a su sistema inmunológico.
The second dose acts as a booster to your immune system.

Es probable que la segunda dosis haga que la protección sea más fuerte y duradera.
It is likely that the second dose makes the protection stronger and longer lasting.

How long does protection last? 


Pregunta 3

¿Cuánto dura la protección de la vacuna?

La evidencia actual sugiere que volver a contagiarse de Covid-19 es poco probable durante los 90 días posteriores al primer contagio. Y en este momento no sabemos cuánto tiempo dura la protección de la vacuna. Necesitamos más datos.

la evidencia actual
current evidence

sugerir, sugiere, sugerimos
to suggest, she suggests, we suggest



volver a contagiarse de Covid-19
reinfection with Covid-19

poco probable

Within a period of time


durante los 90 días posteriores al primer contagio
within 90 days of the first infection


el contagio / la infección

Volver a contagiarse de Covid-19 es poco probable durante los 90 días posteriores al primer contagio.
Reinfection with Covid-19 is unlikely within 90 days of the first infection.

  • More data has come out (2) since Eliza and I wrote and recorded these questions and answers, showing that immunity to Covid-19 following infection usually lasts much longer than 90 days.
We need more data


en este momento
at this time

to last

Y en este momento, no sabemos cuánto tiempo dura la protección de la vacuna.
And at this time, we do not know how long the protection from the vaccine lasts.

los datos

Necesitamos más datos.
We need more data.


Remember to always look for the most current recommendations (las recomendaciones más actuales) in trusted medical sources (fuentes médicas de confianza). 

The following is a great series of YouTube videos by explaining the pathophysiology and trial results of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.  They have videos covering a lot more on Covid, including the other vaccines.

Related Lessons

Special thanks to Elizabeth Cortéz, my Spanish teacher at the San Pedro Spanish School in Guatemala who provided most of the Spanish for this lesson. And special thanks to my friend, Sonja Um-Siri, who asked the questions in this lesson. Sonja also reviews almost every lesson I publish. I could not do this without her. ❤

The lessons offered at are a fun way to practice medical Spanish. They are not intended to teach medicine or provide medical advice. These lessons are intended to improve communication with Spanish-speaking patients, but they are not intended to substitute for a qualified medical interpreter.


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The post Protection after Vaccination in Spanish appeared first on Doc Molly.