Medical Spanish Podcast

Medical Spanish Podcast

Symptoms of COVID19 in Spanish

May 12, 2020

In this audio lesson, we practice discussing symptoms of COVID19 in Spanish. We used information from the CDC to make this lesson. We start by reviewing symptoms we have covered in prior lessons. Then, we cover some new symptoms, such as loss of smell or taste. After we review the symptoms, we will practice asking questions about and discussing the symptoms of COVID19 in Spanish. Finally, we will talk about worrisome symptoms that would indicate that someone should seek medical attention.

Check all our free lessons covering Spanish for COVID-19

Special thanks to: Elizabeth Cortez, my Spanish teacher at the San Pedro Spanish School in Guatemala, my dear friend, Sonja Um Siri, who reviews each audio lesson prior to publication and to Erin Gaines who proofreads the show notes.


Síntomas comunes

We discussed common symptoms of COVID 19 in a prior Q&A we published on prevención y cuarentena.

¿Cuáles son los síntomas del COVID19?

Los síntomas pueden ser de un resfriado leve a una enfermedad grave con neumonía. Los síntomas más comunes son:

Tos seca
Cansancio y dolores musculares
Dificultad para respirar
Algunas personas tienen náusea y diarrea antes de tener los síntomas respiratorios.

¿Cuándo se presentan los síntomas después de contraer el virus?

Los síntomas se presentan entre los primeros 2 a 14 días después del contagio al virus.

We review the vocabulary and practice phrases from above in Prevención – Review – Spanish for COVID19.

Nuevos síntomas

Since that time, the CDC has added some new symptoms to the that list. Let’s see how many you know how to say in Spanish.

sore throat
el dolor de garganta

el dolor de cabeza

los escalofríos

repeated shaking with chills
los temblores y escalofríos que no ceden

to ease up, to abate

Pérdida del olfato o del gusto

the sudden and unexplained loss of smell or taste
la pérdida repentina e inexplicable del olfato o del gusto

la pérdida repentina e inexplicable
the sudden and unexplained loss

OJO: When the syllable following the conjunction “y” has the same sound, we change “y” to “e”

el olfato
(the sense of) smell

el gusto

Presentación de los síntomas

Los síntomas pueden aparecer de 2 a 14 días después de contagiarse del virus.
Symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after you are infected with the virus.

contagiarse del virus
to be infected with the virus

después del contagio al virus
después de contraer el virus
after becoming infected with the virus

Si usted presenta alguno(s) de los siguientes síntomas puede tener COVID19.
If you experience any of the following symptoms you may have COVID19.

presentar síntomas
to experience/show symptoms

Repaso de los síntomas
la fiebre

los escalofríos

los temblores y escalofríos que no ceden
repeated shaking with chills

el cansancio

la tos seca
dry cough

los dolores musculares
muscles pains

la dificultad para respirar
difficulty breathing

el dolor de garganta
sore throat

el dolor de cabeza

la pérdida repentina e inexplicable del olfato o del gusto
sudden and unexplained loss of smell or taste