
Latest Episodes
ICU Nights and Fellowship Prep
ICU Nights and Fellowship Prep Long time hiatus, but were back on ICU nights. Updates from the prior weeks but the family is good and were grinding through the night rotation. Also, looking ahead we
Catch Up: Admits and Pulm Rotations
Catch Up: Admits and Pulm Rotations Multiple weeks since our last update. Halloween, election, admissions and pulmonology rotations have occurred. Additionally, we talk about the stress of being a 2n
Stepdown to Admissions
Stepdown to Admissions Two weeks of Stepdown are over and now we are back on admissions. Karen joins this week and we discuss being a senior on stepdown, the end of life conversations, and research pr
CGMs, Endocrine, and Testosterone
CGMs, Endocrine, and Testosterone Karen is back this week and we discuss the home life, clinical week, and Endocrinology. Lots covered in the topic and possibly some TMI regarding cycle tracking and E
Mini Upate: GI Bleeds and BiPAP
Mini Update: GI Bleed and BiPAP Mini Update. Night shift is a wrap and we are now in the clinic. For this update we review GI bleed management and BiPAPs. Hopefully, making them less scary.
Mini Update: Night Shift
Mini Update: Night Shift Quick night-time update. Were on nights and 3 weeks in. Being a senior now entails Step down coverage and helping the interns. We cover procedures, ICU consult, and then ju
Mini Update: Pericarditis and Afib
Mini Update: Pericarditis and Afib New mini-update experiment, trying something new with semi-weekly updates. This week is on pericarditis and afib. If you guessed Erics on a cardiology rotation you
ICU Month
ICU Month After 4 weeks of ICU days with 1 day off per week and some minor illnesses, we are back. We talk about the differences between a Step-down rotation and an ICU rotation and some of the unique
Care Completion vs Continuity ICU Up Next
Care Completion vs Continuity ICU Up Next The last few weeks included Infectious disease, clinic week, care clinic, and getting a new doomsday vehicle. Its been busy and we talked about all the past
Nights, Vacation, and Van
Nights, Vacation, and Van Sorry for the delay in getting back on this podcast. We completed 2 weeks of nights, did a vacation where the sleep cycle slowly reverted to normal and 2 weeks of floors. We