Maxwell on Mission- NoPlaceLeft
Latest Episodes
Field 4 Church Gathering
What is a church? What is healthy church? Where do we gather? What do we do?
Field 3 Reproducible Discipleship Today we discuss Field 3 Reproducible Discipleship
Field 2 Gospel Sharing
Today we discuss Field 2 Gospel Sharing using the Four Fields strategy #NoPlaceLeft Find out more about the Four Fields here:
Field 1 Entry Strategies
In this episode, we discuss Field 1 Entry Strategies and some diverse ways to make your way into new harvest fields to begin sharing the gospel.
Why 30 Days in the Harvest?
This podcast will discuss the reasoning behind entering into your first 30 days in the harvest when you are going into a new mission field.
Team Dynamics: What We Value
A brief discussion on the topic of What We Value as it applies to church planting teams.