The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

Latest Episodes

MR12208:"Who Turned Out the Lights in Gaza?"
January 22, 2008

In spite of media reports to the contrary, Israel has NEVER turned off the electricity to Gaza...In fact, Israel continues to supply more than 70% of the electricity that the Hamas terrorists use in Gaza!...Maybe it's time to look at the real facts here..

MR11808:"You Yhink That YOU Had a Bad Day?...Listen to THESE Stories!"
January 18, 2008

A looney shrink that wanted to be a spy...A terror victim sending condolences to a master terrorist...An Israeli college lecturer objecting to the Star of David...Germany telling the Jews what to do...The palestinians complaining about Israeli "attacks"..

MR11508:"Does Feminism=Anti-Semitism?"
January 15, 2008

A firestorm rages around Ms. Magazine's refusal to print an ad about Israeli women...Also...What has the Israeli parliament been up to lately?...No more maternity breaks?...No more standing on the job?...No more high school drop-outs?...No burning bodies?

MR11108:"The Palestinians Welcome Bush to the Middle East"
January 11, 2008

And you want to give these people a state on Israeli land?...Marty Summarizes the Bush visit to Israel...His nightmare for a new state in one year...More demands on Israel, virtually none on our enemies...Plus...Bush on (not) fighting missile attacks...Ke

MR10808:"Special Edition: Bush's Visit to Israel"
January 08, 2008

Opposition to concessions to the palestinian terrorists and "NO" to the division of Jerusalem head the list...People are also demanding the release of Jonathan Pollard...Visit to Bethlehem?...Bush, yes, but no Jews allowed!...Also...HaAretz editor-in-chie

MR10408:"Where's The Outrage?...Don't You See What's Going on in Israel?"
January 04, 2008

You are funding the Palestinian Authority, which maintains wanted, captured and convicted murderers on their payroll...You are training terrorists to kill innocent people...You are supporting an institution that gives refuge to murderers...George Bush is

MR10108:"Battle for the Jews..The World Can't Live With 'Em, or Without 'Em"
January 01, 2008

Aliyah immigration to Israel is looking good...So good, in fact, that other countries are trying to keep "their" Jews at home...And, isn't it too dangerous to live in Israel, anyway?...A saintly Rabbi, revered by all Jews, gives HIS opinion...Also...More
