The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

Latest Episodes

MR121808:"Israelis and Palestinians: You Call This Negotiations?"
December 18, 2008

Marty Roberts begs to differ...Do they REALLY want a state?...Or just destroy Israel and the Jews?...Also...Aliyah on the rise...And...Check out the tourism industry in Israel...All this and more on "The Marty Roberts Show"...

MR121508:"To Renew or Not to Renew...The Israel-Hamas (non)Ceasefire/Truce"
December 15, 2008

Can the missile-mortar-rocket attacks against Israel be stopped?..Why aren't they?...Will the so-called cease-fire/truce be renewed?...All this and more on "The Marty Roberts Show"...

MR120808:"Being Kind to the Cruel Ultimately Will Lead to Being Cruel to the Kind"
December 08, 2008

That's what seems to be happening here, in Israel...Marty explains...Goodwill gestures to palestinian arab terrorists?...Why???...Also...How the Torah teaches about personality traits...Jacob and Esau...All this and more on "The Marty Roberts Show"...

MR120408:"Praying for Your Life...Does It Work?"
December 04, 2008

A new medical study just might surprise you....Also...Arab women are being trained as "de-Miners"...What's THAT all about?...And...Cruel and unusual punishment in Saudi Arabia?...You be the judge...Plus...Women playing American football in Israel, women f

MR120108:"Islamic World Jihad Strikes India"
December 01, 2008

A special edition of "The Marty Roberts Show"...

MR112708:"Green Israeli Desert+World Financial Crisis=Redemption?"
November 27, 2008

A valid reason for aliyah immigration to Israel?...Marty thinks so...Also...American Israelis desperate to get home...They're hungry for Israel...And...Anti-semitism on the rise (again) in Europe...What else is new?...All this and more on "The Marty Rober

MR22608:"The Gaza Mass March on Israel"
February 26, 2008

Also...More rockets and missiles on Sderot and Southern Israel (what else is new?)...But the casualties are mounting...At least the stars are out in force in Los Angeles to entertain the teens from Sderot...Plus...Bono and the Beatles and Israel?...And...

MR21908:"The Imad Mughniyeh Assasination"
February 19, 2008

Who was this monster?...What did he do?...Why was he killed?...Who killed him?...The Iran-Syria-Lebanon-Israel puzzle...What are the likely repercussions?...What's next?...All this and more on "The Marty Roberts Show"...

MR13108:"Special Edition:The Winograd Commission Report on Israel's Second Lebanon War"
January 31, 2008

Details of the report on Israel's failed war in Lebanon against hizbullah...Past failures on all levels...Implications for the future...Plus...Snow is covering Jerusalem...And a lot of the rest of Israel...What's it like?...All this and more on "The Marty

MR12508:"Anyone Notice the Disaster That Took Place in the Sinai Desert This Week?"
January 25, 2008

Hamas has conquered a substantial portion of Egytp, and nobody is doing ANYTHING about it!...Not the US, not Egypt, not Israel...The border between Egypt and Gaza no longer exists...The Multi-national force monitoring Sinai is nowhere to be found, either.