Man Shopping with Stacie

Man Shopping with Stacie

Ep28~ Single Parent Dating (Part 2)

November 12, 2021

In this episode, I share insights into what it has been like dating as the mother of a high schooler.  I begin by talking about my rebound relationship with my childhood friend.  I was a little nervous to tell my daughter, Lanie, about the relationship because my divorce was not even final yet.  I was worried of what kind of example I was setting  and I was concerned she'd be disappointed in me.Because I had known him for so long, loved & trusted him, I was excited to introduce Lanie to him.  In time, he and Lanie met and even started to develop a little relationship of their own.  "Mr Wonderful" also reconnected with my mother.  When our relationship ended, my daughter was a little disappointed "Mr Wonderful" didn't reach out to her for some closure. Maybe that was her first lesson of how our feelings can be hurt from  break-ups - even if we are innocent bystanders.After me second divorce, my daughter made it very clear with me that she did not want me to keep anything from her... including my love life.  So, we had several conversations about it and agreed to be open and honest with each other about our feelings and our romantic lives.  I think it's important to keep in mind that relationships are two way streets.  This includes our relationships with our children.  Lanie and I have remained transparent with one another regarding our dating relationships since we moved out on our own.  What a gift.Over that past couple of years, Lanie has been privy to who I've been interested in and have gone on dates with.  She shares her opinions openly with me on the men and I share my opinions on high school boys with her.  I also share a story of when Nashville Nic dropped by our house out of the blue...Next week, Lanie gets to share her early memories of my dating life when she was a little girl and how it impacted her.  Fingers crossed she's not too scarred (ha ha).  Support the show (