Man Shopping with Stacie

Man Shopping with Stacie

Ep26~ Psycho & Ghosting Dating Stories

October 29, 2021

I'm so excited to share my first holiday themed podcast episode with you! I reached out to my listeners to collect their best psycho and ghosting dating stories to create this Halloween show. They totally delivered some great material! My girlfriend kicks off the show with her tale of the Ghost of Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Then, I share a funny psycho first date story that was told to me by a married friend of mine.I re-tell a psycho dating story from a girlfriend of mine.  A guy she dated turned out to be a bit of a freak in the bedroom and also has a conflicted relationship with Jesus.A guy I once dated and  lovingly refer to as "Cold Play Chris" shares his story of a 3rd date gone wrong with a psycho ending.The final story I share is another from my married friend. It is a reminder to us all that we break up with partners for a reason.  Her ex gave her a very clear picture of why they broke up in the first place.To wrap up the show, my friend & fellow podcaster, Rich Bracken, shares his psycho dating story he named the "Jesus Enchilada Episode".  Yes, it entails another soul whose dating life  is conflicted by her relationship with Jesus.  Thank you to my friends who took the time to share their dating stories with me! Happy Halloween to all!Support the show (